How to Beat Ear Whacks!

Never swab

Ear whacks or cerumen (ear wax to you) buildup may be the cause of as much as 40% of the hearing losses that people experience. Heavy ear wax deposits can muffle sound, or cause an echo to your voice, tinnitus, itching, dizziness, ear infections, acute pain, or even the appearance of senility. Here are several techniques you can use to safely manage wax on your own:

Wax blocker, rule one. Don’t wash inside your ear with water, hydrogen peroxide, or glycol, all of which can make ear wax swell even more. 

Wax blocker, rule two. Never clean out your ears with a cotton swab-tipped stick, or any other hard or pointed object. These things are the most common cause of damage to people’s eardrums.

Wax blocker, rule three. Clean your ear canals every day, using a warm shower water rinse. Lubricate them with a gentle swabbing with glycerin on a tissue. 
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Wax blocker, rule four. Eat something every day which requires vigorous chewing. The movement of the jaws agitates the ear canal, and this alone can dislodge wax and obstructions.

Wax blocker, rule five. Have a family member or friend inspect your ear canal with an inexpensive otoscope (a small flashlight with an open funnel-shaped probe, sold at drug stores), or even a penlight or flashlight, at least once a week. Have them look for the buildup of brown or black, crusty, hardened wax that has dried against the eardrum. Severe deposits may require professional attention for safe removal.

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Published by

Michael Riley

Entrepreneur, inventor, best-selling author, award-winning novelist, reformed adman. Moved from Chicago to CA to AZ. Now old, happily married, and almost ready to settle down.

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