Food for Your Ears


Science keeps finding new evidence that if something will help you to live a healthier, longer life, that something is also likely to help protect or even enhance your hearing! And if something hurts health, hearing may suffer, too.

Vitamins for ears. Many vitamins are used to success­fully treat ear conditions: all of the B-complex, especially B1 (thiamine) and niacin (a vasodilator), C, E, and A. Megadoses of all but A can be taken safely as dietary supplements – excepting niacin if you suffer from gout. Glutamic acid may also be an effective nutrient treatment.

Minerals for listeners. Supplementation with RDA levels of zinc, calcium, potassium and magnesium have also been known to help improve ear health.

The brain herb. Ginko biloba can be used to boost hearing, since it encourages the growth of microcapillaries which bring proper nourishment and oxygen to the brain.

Preventing infections. Foods that are believed to help prevent dangerous ear infections include garlic in clove or tablet form, echinacea and goldenseal.

Avoid aspirin…unless you know you aren’t one of those people who risk losing your hearing from using pain killers that contain aspirin. Read labels!

Drug warnings. Antibiotics including dihydrostreptomycin, kanamycin, streptomycin, neomycin, and vancomycin can all cause hearing loss in susceptible people.

Malaria sufferers, beware. If you have malaria, or love gin and tonics, you may risk hearing losses which quinine can cause in vulnerable individuals.

A low-fat diet. Excess fat obstructs blood vessels in the ear and brain. So it’s no surprise that several studies show that those with diets with less than 15% to 30% of calo­ries from fats run less of a risk of hearing loss. One study in Finland showed that a low-fat diet could let fifty-year-olds keep the hearing ability of ten-year-younger high-fat-eaters. For optimal health, particularly avoid saturated fats and all free-radical-rich hydrogenated fats.
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Circulatory risks. If you have atherosclerosis or re­lated problems like arthritis, high cholesterol, or diabetes, you’re a hearing risk. You’ll reduce that risk by getting your weight down to where it belongs, getting fit, and maintaining a low-fat, high fiber diet.

Blood tests. You should regularly have your physician check your blood for risks factors like cholesterol or abnormal glucose uptake. It  could save your life by preventing a heart  attack, plus warn you of a hearing loss risk.

Check your body fat. Use your thumb and forefingerto pinch off as thick a roll of fat at your midriff as you can. If you have pinched more than a one-inch-thick roll, your body is carrying a higher percentage of fat than is good for your circulation, and for your hear­ing. Again, a low-fat diet is indicated ’till you can pinch less than a one-inch-thick fat roll.

A proper fat diet. A certain modest level of the right kind of fats are essential for good health. Evening primrose, flax seeds, deep water fish, olives and tree nut oils (not peanuts) are all particularly rich in these Omega 3 and Omega 6 “good fats.” Also useful by the brain: lecithin or choline.

Fitness. If you are fit, your body will be better able to resist, and recover from, some of the environmental destroyers of good hearing like noise. Fitness calls for regu­lar aerobic exercise in which the heart rate is raised to safe but elevated levels for a period of twenty to thirty minutes a day, at least three times a week. If you’re out of shape, see your physician for help in developing a safe schedule of exercise to return you to good condition.

Bad habits. Nicotine and caffeine have unfavorable effects on your hearing’s circulatory and neural support systems. Say goodbye to smoking and high-octane coffee.

Life extension. There is a movement afoot to increase both the length and quality of life using nutrients and relatively new over-the-counter drugs.

We have already mentioned the specific nutrients which studies show to have a beneficial effect on some hearing problems. Many of the new life-extension agents provide their greatest benefit for nervous system tissues (e.g., hydergine, deprenyl), so they should also protect and extend the useful life of our hearing systems. For more information on their use, read any of a number of books on smart drugs, and where to buy them.

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How to Beat Ear Whacks!

Never swab

Ear whacks or cerumen (ear wax to you) buildup may be the cause of as much as 40% of the hearing losses that people experience. Heavy ear wax deposits can muffle sound, or cause an echo to your voice, tinnitus, itching, dizziness, ear infections, acute pain, or even the appearance of senility. Here are several techniques you can use to safely manage wax on your own:

Wax blocker, rule one. Don’t wash inside your ear with water, hydrogen peroxide, or glycol, all of which can make ear wax swell even more. 

Wax blocker, rule two. Never clean out your ears with a cotton swab-tipped stick, or any other hard or pointed object. These things are the most common cause of damage to people’s eardrums.

Wax blocker, rule three. Clean your ear canals every day, using a warm shower water rinse. Lubricate them with a gentle swabbing with glycerin on a tissue. 
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Wax blocker, rule four. Eat something every day which requires vigorous chewing. The movement of the jaws agitates the ear canal, and this alone can dislodge wax and obstructions.

Wax blocker, rule five. Have a family member or friend inspect your ear canal with an inexpensive otoscope (a small flashlight with an open funnel-shaped probe, sold at drug stores), or even a penlight or flashlight, at least once a week. Have them look for the buildup of brown or black, crusty, hardened wax that has dried against the eardrum. Severe deposits may require professional attention for safe removal.

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The More Sound, the Merrier

Speaking as the inventor of Earglasses® Sound Magnifiers, I was recently delighted by the kindness of one of our fans. This gentleman, a former loudspeaker designer and audio technician, took the time to carefully measure sound volume differences between using our acoustic lenses, or using nothing at all. Here’s a graph showing his findings:

New gain chart

What’s even more gratifying for me is to note that this is the measured performance for our new model. I was afraid that, because our new model is more compact, and thus less noticeable than our old model, that it would not amplify sound quite as well. Surprise! It’s clear from the graph of the amplification provided by our old model that our new model amplifies significantly more sound. See for yourself:

Old chart


Defensive Listening 2

Bear screamHere are some more tips for things you can do to protect and preserve your hearing ability:

Scream. If you find yourself standing beside a firing jet engine or artillery piece without ear plugs, or any extremely loud sound source, voicing a twenty-second long, escalating scream may cause your strapedius muscle to tighten for a bit of extra protection.

Drive safely. If you wear earplugs to protect your hearing when you drive, just stay alert. Despite state laws against using headphones while driving, statistics show that deaf drivers are safer than the rest of us.

Avoid misuse of “personal electronics.” The abusive volumes sent through headphones and portable music systems caused high-frequency hearing loss among a third of the fad-prone new students at the University of Tennessee in 1981.

Set vanity aside. If you’re caught without earplugs when you need them to block noise — say, in a subway or at an airport — forget your self-consciousness and press your hands tightly to your ears. Save yourself!

At worst, double up. If you must attend or perform in a heavy metal rock concert, or face other extremely noisy environments, try wearing both earplugs and earmuffs.

Work soundly. If you work in an office, cut distractions and the destructive effects of noise: turn your desk to face the wall, and surface the wall with a sound absorbent material like carpet, fabric, or fiberglass insulation material. You’ll have to turn to face visitors, but you will do so without a barrier between you.

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Defensive Listening

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These screaming musicians may be heading for a serious loss of hearing due to damaged hair cells in their inner ear’s cochlea.

There are a number of steps you can take to protect and preserve your hearing. It’s important to put up a good hearing defense. Here’s just a few things you can do to protect yourself against an increasingly noisy world. 

Opera singer? Change jobs! Opera performers generate sound volumes in their heads which are as loud as jet engines heard at close range. As a result, they often suffer deafness as they age. If your job endangers your hearing, either wear ear protection, or quit. The same applies to sports or hobbies: gun lovers, don’t forget to wear ear plugs on the firing range! 

Put your ears on a low-noise diet. We recommend avoiding all sounds whose volumes exceed 80 decibels. Physiological stress measurably begins at this loudness level. Living with less noise can provide big health benefits, from less anxiety and lower blood pressure to improved immune response. 

Use earphylactics. Earplugs and “earmuff” noise-blocker headsets are a must for noise dieters. These devices can cut volume levels of ambient noise by up to 30 db. Don’t try cotton balls or tissue wads; they don’t stop much sound. There are several inexpensive types of earplugs. You’ll find one or more in most drug stores: disposable models in ear-canal-insertable plastic foam or a waxy “formable canal cover.” Industrial supply shops carry more expensive, washable pre-molded plastic or rubbery shapes – wild mushrooms, lawn lights, pagodas, etc.

Another option: connected pairs and singles. The cords on the back ends of the connected models make them easier to remove, and harder to lose. If you can, buy in quantity from a catalog house like Global Industrial (800-558-9966), where they have a wide selection and low unit prices—as low as 12 cents a pair. But wear whatever model you select for two hours before buying a large lot. The rough surfaces on some models can make them uncomfortable to wear for extended periods.

You can see even see a hearing specialist and have him make impressions of your ear canals; he’ll then be able to order custom plugs that will fit your ear canal perfectly, and that will pass the sounds you hear without frequency distortions.

If you don’t like wearing earplugs, or if you lose them too often, or if you need to be able to put your ear protectors on or take them off in a hurry, try sound-blocking ear muffs instead. These are the kind of protectors you see on the ground crew at airports. They offer between twenty and thirty decibels of sound attenuation, at prices ranging from ten to fifty dollars a unit.

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WHAT Problem? Say again?


People with hearing losses are often unaware of, or may even deny, their deficits. So the National Center on Deafness cites these warning signs for risk of hearing loss:

1. A history of ear infections
2. Tinnitus — squeals or ringing in the ears
3. Talking loudly
4. Turning up the TV set’s volume
5. The feeling that talkers too often mumble
6. Frequently complaining that “I can’t hear you”
7. Confusing one word with another with a similar sound
8. Needing to watch a talker’s face and mouth in order to understand what they are saying
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White males with a history of exposure to high noise levels (on the job, from concerts or listening to loud music via earbuds, etc.) are also at higher risk. The advice in this blog is critical for those who suffer any of these conditions.

There are some ways to do crude “do-it-yourself” hearing tests. If you have an old “tube style” TV set around, turn it on and let it warm up with the volume turned all the way down. All such sets emit an audible high-frequency squeal which good hearers can hear from several feet away. If you can’t, have a friend come up
from behind you with a ticking watch or clock. See how close it must be to each of your ears before you hear it, then ask a friend with good hearing to take the same test. Compare your “distances to audibility.”

Better yet, have an audiologist give you a professional hearing test. If (1) you experience any of the symptoms noted above, or (2) you can’t pass our do-it-yourself hearing tests, or (3) if you are over fifty, you should have a hearing health professional test your hearing every five years, or annually if you are over sixty. Hearing aid sellers may even give you a quick test, free.

And remember: good hearing aids the chance of having a good life. If your hearing is seriously impaired, face it, and take heart: it’s now possible for even the profoundly deaf to hear. Hearing aids tend to produce satisfaction proportional to investments made in their purchase, and in learning their proper use. Don’t let pride, or an isolationist’s ideology, stand in the way of your ability to communicate with the people who care about you.

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Hearing Loss Risk Factors

People with hearing losses are often unaware of, or may even deny, their deficits. So the National Center on Deafness cites these warning signs for risk of hearing loss:

    • A history of ear infections

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    • Tinnitus — squeals or ringing in the ears
    • Talking loudly
    • Setting TV volumes to levels that others protest
    • Feeling that talkers often mumble
    • Frequently complaining that “i can’t hear you”
    • Confusing one word with another with a similar sound
  • Needing to watch a speaker’s face to understand their speech

White males with a history of exposure to high noise levels (on the job, from concerts or a Walkman®, etc.) are also at higher risk.

Surprised Young Man Removing Headphones from Ears bxp140412h
Are you a headphone addict? Yes? So is it time to get your hearing checked?

If your workplace or residence exposes you to sustained high noise volumes, test the levels to see how much risk that sound level poses to your hearing. You can buy a used Radio Shack sound level meter for under $30 on eBay, or get a new one for under $70 online. Use one to measure the loudness of noises in your life, so you can find ways to block out the ones that threaten to damage your ears and your hearing.

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Basic Training

Dangewr sink(Note: the following article is excerpted from the free booklet “New Secrets of Better Hearing”) The first step in conserving your hearing is to learn more about what may cause you to lose it. You’re doing that already, just by reading this. What else do you need to know, right now?

For one thing, you should learn where noise hazards lie. We all live in a surprisingly a noisy world; the risks are all around us:

  • Standard home toilet flushing: 74 db. – safe
  • Water running in the kitchen sink: 76 db. – safe
  • Frigidaire washing machine: 76 db. – safe
  • A ticket desk at L.A. airport: 77 db. – marginal
  • In a concourse near the airplanes’ gates: 84 db.
  • Takeoff from a runway in a Boeing 757: 100 db.
  • Cruising at 30,000 feet in a B-757: 93 db.
  • Home stereo system at realistic volume: 82 db.
  • Wahl electric hair trimmer: 84 db.
  • Running the shower, shower door closed: 85 db.
  • Sony telephone ringing: 86 db.
  • Hoover upright vacuum cleaner: 88 db.
  • Front door slamming shut: 89 db.
  • Garbage disposal: 91 db.
  • Craftsman® lawnmower, electric chain saw: 95 db.
  • Electric leaf blower: 96 db.
  • In an open-windowed Acura cruising at 65 m.p.h.:
    • with the radio at normal volumes: 100 db.
    • with the radio turned off: 98 db.
    • with the windows rolled up: 90 db.

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Moral of the story here? Protect yourself: avoid prolonged
exposures to any sound source not marked “safe.”

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Free: “New Secrets of Better Hearing”

Booklet2It’s the most untreated health problem in America. A 2010 survey by the Better Hearing Institute revealed that one person in nine suffers from a hearing loss. The incidence of deafness is doubling every forty years. This will continue to climb as Americans’ average ages increase. But it doesn’t need to grow: the typical seventy-year-old Sudanese Mabaan tribesman shows the same hearing ability as an American eighteen-year-old. Why?

Leading authorities say that three factors other than aging are the most common causes of hearing losses:

  1.   Atherosclerosis, the buildup of fatty deposits on blood vessel walls
  2.   A reduced rate of blood flow to the inner ear
  3.   Most importantly, noise

My booklet “New Secrets of Better Hearing” explain how you can do a number of things to prevent these and other causes of deafness. These important steps will help preserve your hearing for the rest of your life. It even reveals a number of little-known “secret” ways, short of a hearing aid, for you to actually im prove your hearing. In some cases, these improvements will be only temporary, while others can provide lifelong benefits, if you work at them.

Now for the really good news: this booklet is available for free. Just visit the “For Users” page of our website, at, to download a .pdf file copy.

The steps listed in this booklet came from a huge number of sound scientific sources.  The benefits of the steps we suggest will not only improve your hearing, but they can also dramatically increase the length and quality of your life.


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“Hyperlisten” to Hear Better

A recent Time magazine cover article about “mindfulness” made me pause for mindful reflection. “Can mindfulness improve how much we can hear,” I wondered. And soon I concluded, “yes, but only if you keep the right attitudes in mind.”

I once trained myself to become an expert listener. That practice gave me good reason to see that the right mindset can open doors to new and more subtle perceptions. My experiences in designing and improving my Earglasses® Sound Magnifiers invention reinforced that conclusion.

I formed my first company to market my product using the corporate name “The Listening Institute.” The name reflected the inspiration for the product. The idea for ear-focused acoustic lenses came to me because I was a serious audiophile. I even wrote for a small audio review magazine for a while. I worked hard to be able to discriminate between the sounds produced by one audio component versus another. Attentive listening for subtle audible details was critical, as was the need to develop descriptions for the differences I noted.

Basically, my experience reminded me that “listening” is very different than “hearing.” Hearing is latent, a sensory capability. But for that sensory apparatus to work, one must listen. What’s the difference? Listening is a product of combining hearing with concentrated attention — or “mindfulness,” as Time puts it.

It’s just like our mothers’ told us: “listen to me! Pay attention!

I’d like to add a few further observations about how to make that process work at its best.

Whenever I have trouble hearing something that interests me these days, the first things I experience are: (1) anxiety about what I may be missing; (2) a temptation to deny my interest in the sounds that confuse me, so that I don’t have to work at increasing my attention; and (3) fear that my senses are declining with age, and that I may look foolish or weak as a result.

All of these negative feelings result in even more confusion and annoyance until I either turn my attention elsewhere or my brain somehow figures out how to better hear what I had been missing. Let’s focus on this second outcome and see if there are ways we can increase the odds of arriving at such a result.

How does our consciousness puzzle out the solution to mysteries contained in sounds at the outer limits of perception? I have no idea. But I do know from experience that if I maintain a calm, empty but attentive mindfulness while listening to sounds that at first cause me confusion, I will be able understand them sooner than if I panic and start to indulge in a fearful interior retreat.

I call the process “hyperlistening.” Hyperlistening calls for keeping an open, uncluttered mind. It requires one to stay confident of the mind’s ability to solve problems when calm, patient attention is paid to the source of one’s former confusion.

As my own hyperlistening skills advanced, I became capable of doing things that sound engineers considered impossible. I became able to reliably identify the differences in the sound envelopes produced by audio amplifiers with identical electrical profiles. When listening to well-engineered recordings, I became able to identify the location of individual members of a performing ensemble. I could pin down not only their position on my stereo’s auditory stage on a left-to-right basis, but could even determine whether their position was toward the front or rear of the recording venue. The size of the venue, even the qualities of its furnishings (“wet” or “dry,” depending on the degree of reverberation) became matters I learned to hear, and to reliably articulate.

If you too experience the kinds of hearing anxieties I noted above, try sharpening your own hyperlistening skills. You can do that by using your own audio system. Even the sound system in your automobile can provide you with challenges that can help you to sharpen your senses. Practice may not make perfect, but it can help, to a surprising degree.